
Kimba: The White Lion King Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Zevon and Walter find Kimba/Hakuna Matata

Kimba kept on running for two days through the desert. He manages to escape the hyenas, but he heard them say "If you ever come back, we'll kill ya!" They thought he might not make it and they were right. He was exhausted and thirsty and there is not a single tree or water puddle in sight, but he didn't care if he lived or died, because to him, his father would still be alive if it were'nt for him. He took a few more shaky steps before collapsing to the ground. Overhead, some buzzards slowly circled above him. Their caws and squawks echoed through the desert as they are about to descent down on him. Nearby, at the jungle, another sound is heard when Zevon screamed in pain as Walter pulls some porcupine quills off the meerkat's butt with his teeth.

Walter: (talking around a quill) Guess bowling for porcupines (spitting quill out) wasn't the best idea for a new game.

Zevon: Yeah, gotta be up there with bobbing for snapping turtles.

Walter plucked out another quill when he heard squawking as he spits it out.

Walter: Look, buzzards. What do you say for one more round today?

Zevon: (sarcastically) Oh sure, there must some part of me we haven't injured.

Walter: (wagging tail) Oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please?

Zevon: (stretching wearily) No thanks, I'm beat. You go on ahead, I'm calling it a day.

Zevon turns to walk away, plucking out the last quill.

Walter: (whimpering) But it's no fun alone.

Walter starts to whine like a dog as the buzzards begin to cluster. He begins to turn away when Zevon runs back to jump on his head.

Zevon: Aw, why not? One more run won't change our lives!

They both began to charge at the buzzards where they slapped and kicked them away.

Zevon: Get out! Get out! Get outta here! Whoo!

Walter: I love bowling for buzzards.

Zevon: (laughing, dusting himself) Gets them every time.

Walter then notices Kimba laying on the ground. 

Walter: You better come here, I think it's still alive.

Zevon: (cringe) Ewww. Let's see what we got.

Zevon walked over to Kimba and lifts his paw for a closer look. He jumped back in fright when he does.

Zevon: Jeez! It's a lion! Let's get outta here, Walter!

Walter: But he's just a little lion. I mean look at him, he's so cute and all alone. Can we keep him?

Zevon: Are you nuts? You're talking about a lion! They eat guys like us.

Walter: But he's so little.

Zevon: But he's gonna get bigger.

Walter: Maybe he might be on our side.

Zevon: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Maybe he'll be on our... (changes mind) Sure, why not. Maybe having a lion around might not be a bad idea.

Walter: So we're keeping him?

Zevon: Of course, be careful with the tusks.

Walter carefully placed Kimba on his snout as Zevon climbed on his back.

Zevon: Now let's get out of here and find some shade.

Walter carries Kimba back to the outskirts of their jungle home near a tree with a water pond where Kimba lays near the water's edge. He starts to stir as Zevon pours water on his face.

Walter: Are you okay? You could have died.

Zevon: Good thing we came by and saved you, or else you would have become buzzard dinner.

Kimba: (dully) Thanks for the help.

Kimba quickly got up and heads off quietly back into the desert.

Zevon: Where are you going?

Kimba: Nowhere.

Zevon: (watching Kimba, talking to Walter) He looks blue.

Walter: I say white as snow.

Zevon: I mean he's depressed.

Walter: Oh.

Walter and Zevon runs up to Kimba making him stop.

Walter: What's eating you, kid?

Zevon: Nothing, he's at the top of the food chain.

The meerkat laughed at his witty joke but realized it flopped when Walter and Kimba just stare at him.

Zevon: So where are you from?

Kimba: Who cares? I can't go back.

Zevon: An outcast, so are we.

Walter: What did you do?

Kimba: Something terrible, but I don't wanna talk about it.

Walter: Anything we can do?

Kimba: Not unless you can change the past.

Walter: You know, kid, t's times like this you gotta put your past behind you.

Zevon: The warthog's right. Bad thing's happen and you can't do a thing about it right?

Kimba: Right.

Zevon: (poking Kimba's nose) WRONG! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.

Kimba: That's not what I was taught.

Zevon: Then you need you need a new lesson. Now repeat after me. (clears throat) 
Hakuna Matata.

Kimba: (still lethargic) What?

Walter: Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta. It means "no worries."

To prove the point Zevon and Walter break into song.

Zevon: Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase.

Walter: Hakuna Matata
Ain't no passing craze.

Zevon: It means "no worries"
For the rest of your days.

Zevon and Walter leads Kimba to a green bush where the former files one of his claws.

Both: It's our problem-free

Zevon: Hakuna Matata.

Kimba: Hakuna Matata?

Walter: Yep, it's our motto.

Kimba: What's a motto?

Zevon: Nothing, what's a motto (matter) with you? (laughing)

Walter: You know, kid, these two words can solve all your problems.

Zevon: Take Walter for example. Why....

The song continues as Walter's story is heard.

Zevon: When he was a young warthog...

Walter: (Italian counter-tenor range) When I was a young warthoooooog!

Zevon: Very nice.

Walter: Thanks.

In a flashback before Walter met Zevon, the warthog is approaching a waterhole where other animals come to drink. Along the way, his stench knocks some monkeys off a tree.

Zevon: He found his face and scent lacked certain appeals
He can clear the savannah after every meal.

Walter: I'm a sensitive soul, though I seemed thick skinned.

When Walter got the the water's edge to drink, he lifts his tail making him fart causing the grass behind him to wilt. 

Walter: And it hurt that no one liked my face or stood downwind.

When Walter looked up, he saw some zebras and an elephant smell his foul odor along with some giraffes and a rhino cringe in shock at his face. Then all the animals quickly ran away from the sad warthog as the flashback ends.

Walter: And oh, the shame!

Zevon: He was ashamed!

Walter: Thoughta changin' my name!

Zevon: What's in the name?

Walter: And I got downhearted.

Zevon: How did you feel?

Walter: Everytime that I...

Walter was about to finish his sentence when Zevon intterupted.

Zevon: Hold it! Not in front of the kid.

Walter: Oh... sorry.

Kimba just watches with surprise at first but his interest grows as Zevon hoists Walter into a vine loop above him where he starts swinging.

Zevon and Walter: Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase.
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze.

Kimba finally joins in singing after his enthusiasm increases just right.

Kimba: It means "no worries"
For the rest of your days.

Zevon: Yeah. Sing it, kid.

Zevon and Kimba: It's our problem free.

Walter: (lands next to Kimba and Zevon) Philosophy.

All three: Hakuna Matata.

Zevon pulses back a fern leaf as he and Walter reveal a view to their jungle home.

Zevon: Welcome to our humble home.

Kimba: You live here?

Zevon: We just moved in a couple days ago. But we may live where we want.

Walter: Yep, home is where your rump rest.

Kimba: It's so beautiful.

Later, Walter lets out a raunchy belch indicating that he's hungry.

Walter: I'm starved.

Kimba: I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra.

Zevon is disturbed by Kimba's want for meat with a hint of I-knew-this-would-happen.

Zevon: We're fresh outta zebras.

Kimba: Well, then I can handle with a small gazelle.

Zevon: We're outta those too.

Kimba: Any antelope?

Zevon: Nuh-uh.

Kimba: Hippo?

Zevon: Nope. Listen, kid; if you want to live with us, you gotta eat like us.

Zevon notices a log and walks up to it.

Zevon: This looks like a place to rustle up some grub.

Water forces up the log with his snout to reveal many insects.

Kimba: Eww. What's that?

Zevon: (picks up a larvae) A grub, what's it look like?

Kimba: (seeing Zevon eat it) Eww, gross.

Zevon: Tastes like chicken.

Walter: (slurps a worm up from the ground) Slimy, yet satisfying.

Zevon and Walter continue to eat grunts much to Kimba's disgust.

Zevon: These are rare delicacies. (Crunching on on beetle) Piquant with a very pleasant crunch.

Walter: (mouthful of bugs) You'll learn to love 'em.

Zevon collects different bugs to put on a leaf. He pokes his hand into a knothole in a log causing many bugs to scramble out.

Zevon: I'm telling ya, kid, this is the great life. No rules, no responsibilities. (grabbing a blue bug before eating it) Ooh! The little cream-filled kind. And best of all no worries.

Zevon brings the bug-filled leaf to Kimba for the cub to try one.

Kimba: (picking up one larvae) Oh well, Hakuna Matata.

Kimba slurps up and swallows up the bug with his expressions changing from sickly to accepting the taste.

Kimba: Slimy, yet satisfying.

Zevon: That's it.

Kimba thought about living his life in the jungle since he has nowhere else to go and decide it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Zevon, on the other hand, is nearly unaware of what happens next.

Zevon: (narrating from the theater) Rescuing Kimba and getting him to accept our philosophy is such a cinch, but then came the more challenging part... Parenthood.
Kimba's story along with that of Zevon and Walter collides as the duo saved him from heat exhaustion and vultures and leads him to a more carefree lifestyle.
© 2016 - 2024 MiketheElephantBrony
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